What is a Certified Civil Trial Attorney?
The Supreme Court of New Jersey has set high standards for any attorney who wishes to be certified as a "civil trial attorney." As of 2011, only 1,050 attorneys of the more than 72,000 admitted attorneys were certified as Civil Trial Attorneys.
The requirements for certification by the Supreme Court are as follows:
- Must be a member in good standing of the New Jersey Bar for at least five years;
- Must have taken a specific number of continuing legal education courses in the three years prior to filing an application;
- Must demonstrate substantial involvement in preparation of litigated matters;
- Must demonstrate an unblemished reputation by submitting a list of attorneys and judges who will attest to the applicant's character and ability; and
- Must pass a written examination covering various aspects of practice in the designated specialty.
Please visit the web site of the Supreme Court of New Jersey Board on Attorney Certification at: www.njcourts.gov/attorneys/attcert.html for more information.
The Firm offers a free initial telephone consultation, so please feel free to contact us by phone at 973-656-1300 or by email at rmurray@rjmesq.com.